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All eyes on Gisele Góes, the Director of Organic Growth at Chime! She has been inducted in the 2024 Marketers To Watch Series, partnered with The Wall Street Journal, for her innovative work and leadership at Chime.

Five years ago, Gisele was the first person hired for her role at Chime, and she got to work right away, growing her incredible team from the ground up. The Organic Growth Marketing team is responsible for Chime’s SEO, web, and content marketing strategies. Prior to Chime, she worked on agency and in-house marketing teams, building content marketing strategies across retail, tech, consumer goods, and more.

Curious to learn more about the leader behind Chime’s organic growth marketing? Keep reading to learn Gisele’s perspectives on the future of marketing, the innovative work she’s been leading, her best career advice, and more.

Woman doing photography by beach

What gives me joy outside of work

Photography, movement, and a LOT of quality time with my family (especially outdoors and ideally by the ocean).

Every marketer should read

The Creative Act: A Way of Being by Rick Rubin and Originals by Adam Grant

Future of Marketing

Q: What’s one thing coming down the marketing pike you are most excited about?

I am really excited about the evolution of data and AI! For the longest time, brand marketers had a hard time showing the direct value of their work in a tangible way. Content measurement was completely unheard of, and many steps in a consumer journey were neglected due to a lack of data. Now, we have so many new tools giving us access to new levels of data, and AI is coming in hot with predictive analysis, making us smarter and more efficient.

Q: What widely accepted “marketing truth” do you wish the industry would evolve? 

I’d challenge that growth only comes from Performance Marketing. The divide between brand marketing and performance marketing should not exist. Marketing teams need to be more connected than ever and join forces to grow while also building future customers. Companies that understand how to strategically pull these levers will be in a better position to drive long-term, sustainable growth.

Q: What’s a prediction you have for Growth Marketing Marketing over the next few years?

The search landscape is going to change a lot! Both from a search engine perspective and search behavior perspective. Earlier this year, we saw a lot of changes coming from Google SGE—that was just the beginning. On top of these changes, consumers are leaning more and more on social platforms like TikTok for their search needs. Search will look very different in the coming years, so we need to be prepared.

Organic Growth Marketing at Chime

Q: What’s something exciting your marketing team is currently working on at Chime?  

We recently announced a new version of our Content Hub called “In The Green.” Hundreds of thousands of readers already come to our content every month, and our Hub has been key in fueling our SEO and Organic growth over the last couple of years.

In the green Chime Content Hub

As search evolves and content consumption trends change, we’re doubling down on content diversification. We are really pushing to deliver authentically helpful and snackable financial education content to millions of people who are looking for financial education every month.

Leadership and Career Advice

Q: What leadership muscle is most important for marketers to exercise?

Being open and curious are the two strongest leadership traits for the future. The industry is moving extremely fast these days, and while leaders don’t have time to stay too much in the weeds, there is a lot of learning to do. If you want to be a successful marketing leader, ask questions, always be learning, and be ready to pivot. This is going to be more important than ever, as things will not slow down any time soon.

Q: What’s the most game-changing career advice youve received?

Marketers To Watch Series in Partnership With The Wall Street Journal: Gisele Góes, Director, Organic Growth, Chime

Don’t wait for opportunities; create them. The best things in my career came from identifying paths that didn’t exist or creating opportunities in areas where people didn’t see them.

Marketers to Watch is a recognition series to spotlight highly innovative and forward-thinking marketing leaders in the community. If you have someone you’d like to nominate for the series, apply here.